Friday, February 22, 2008

Residual Wealth Factor - Review Of The New Global Domains International Marketing System

Brand new affiliates to the Global Domains International business opportunity or GDI as it is commonly referred to have a chance to jump on board an exciting new marketing system to help them grow their business on auto-pilot with David Parnell's Residual Wealth Factor. This system is exclusive only to GDI affiliates and incorporates a proven method of advertising that helps generate qualified leads on autopilot.

How Does Residual Wealth Factor Work?

New affiliates are given the opportunity to join the exclusive V.I.P. team and gain access to the Residual Wealth Factor system which is setup for them and hosted on the teams server.

The team members get exact duplicates of David's proven sales page and lead capture page for use in marketing the GDI opportunity. It is personally tweaked by him to get the highest conversions and is updated with all of his latest testimonials, videos and audio.

It also features an auto-responder system that follows up with potential prospects for weeks and builds a valuable mailing list at the same time that can be utilized for other cash generating campaigns.

Proven Advertisements That Work

The secret behind the Residual Wealth Factor system are David's e-zine solo ads which are targeted towards business opportunity seekers in his personal rolodex of e-zines which have brought him much success. He shares these exact solo ads that made him money and where he placed them with the team so that everyone can experience similar results.

Monthly Co-Ops

Members are invited to join a monthly advertisement co-op in which they can purchase shares in exchange for getting their websites rotated among other members in very large budget marketing campaign using David's top secret sources. It virtually guarantees sign ups for Global Domains on a weekly basis and builds momentum and growth on you team at an enormous pace.

The Affiliate Program

Residual Wealth Factor also pays $20 directly into your Paypal account for every new team member you sign up on your first level.


Just for signing up David gives away $198 of solo ad advertising out of his own pocket in addition to putting your GDI / RWF affiliate link in a global rotator system which will bring you traffic and sales for life and help you get a jump start on your marketing.


GDI is growing at tremendous rates and shows no signs of slowing down. Global Domains International combined with the power of the Residual Wealth Factor marketing system could quite possibly be the most explosive income generation system to hit the Internet in years. With all of the scams and hype out there, it is important to belong to an opportunity which depends on your personal success. David Parnell's has already done it and is ready to duplicate his success with his team and Residual Wealth Factor has proven this to be true.

Try GDI free for 7 days and get your own .ws domain name and hosting for only $10 a month. Learn more about David Parnell's Residual Wealth Factor and sign up for the free e-course "Net Marketing Secrets" at ==>

Article Source:

Thursday, February 21, 2008

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SUPEREDEN Simply Makes You Money and Pays Weekly.

Found! The Garden of Eden on the Internet!

Super Eden is your Financial Garden of Eden!

Super Eden is profitable for 5 reasons:

1). You get paid $40 for every three referrals.

2). You get paid when your down line recruits members.

3). You get paid when your upline creates spillover.

4). You get paid Matching Bonuses when downline cycles.

5). You get paid on yearly renewals.

The above are 5 ways you can earn money. And 4 of those ways

do not require you to do anything! Compression occurs every
Tuesday, payments by Paypal, E-Gold or Check.

The Super Eden Marketing Group Provides:

1). Every member gets their URL installed into the group rotator.

2). Solo Email Ad Co-Op - $5 - $20 solo email ads. (optional)

3). Super Eden Marketing Plan available to all members, free.

4). Help by phone or email is always available.

5). Weekly Group Chat Session - Every Sunday @ 10pm EST

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The subscription fee is only $39.95 per year NOT per month!

It is a subscription, so it is a true renewable residual income.

Last but not least, you get a 10 day money back guarantee,

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